
Event Information:

  • Sat

    South Bay Creative Writer's Workshop

    10:30 am - NoonCasa de Bo

    Need motivation or support in getting your words on paper or selling them?

    Writers write, but sometimes it's difficult to keep the words flowing and/or maintain confidence in your work. Our weekly Writers Workshop can provide the focus you need. Participants are encouraged to bring at least 10 new pages of material each week to share and receive real-time constructive feedback within a supportive critique framework.


    Suggested donation of $5/workshop or $10/month to offset meet-up expenses (major credit cards accepted). [Note: this is less than you might spend at starbucks and hopefully far more productive. And fresh coffee is provided!]

    Secure credit card donations and monthly subscriptions available directly from the Store page or visit the SouthBay HQ Market/a> (powered by Square).

South Bay HQ

Providing creative writing services for Redondo, Manhattan, Hermosa, PV, Torrance, and surrounding communities.

1 Comment

  1. March 23, 2016    

    Looking forward to Jennie’s presentation on April 2nd. Thank you!

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