
Event Information:

  • Wed

    South Bay Screenwriters

    7:00 - 9:30 pmMargina's (North Torrance)

    Read scripts and provide feedback.


    Back to Margina's in North Torrance. We access our scripts via Google Drive. You'll be given a folder with your name, into which you'll drop a PDF or DOC of the script pages you want read aloud. Please give Pamela (the organizer) a Gmail address so she can share the drive with you. If possible, bring a tablet or laptop to the meetup to read the scripts on.

South Bay HQ

Providing creative writing services for Redondo, Manhattan, Hermosa, PV, Torrance, and surrounding communities.

1 Comment

  1. March 23, 2016    

    Looking forward to Jennie’s presentation on April 2nd. Thank you!

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